Devils' Den

Dream diary


Everything Everything released a new single. The lyrics were:

The cobra got shot at
for disagreeing

The remaining lyrics were complete gibberish.


I was two homeless guys living under a bridge. We were in love.

I was then a single person with my friends being hit on by someone whose skin tone kept changing. He bought me a cake and I suggested we eat it at the park, but he preferred a closed environment. We went into a very narrow apartment complex filled with stairs, and when we finally found a door my mom and brother were there. My mom got angry at me for having cake as it wasn't my birthday.


A man was trying to save someone that was being chased after a monster. The monster kept taking bites off of their body, yet they kept moving.

That person was merely a floating head when the man jumped into the monster's ass and made it spit out the rest of their body.


I witnessed a car crash.


I was watching a YouTube video of a guy commentating over a video of someone explaining an event with text-to-speech and an avatar of a toy shaped like a seal. The event in question was a party within the police force where people would hurt or kill themselves in increasingly bizarre ways.

I was in bed and eating fried shrimp shells that tasted really bad.


Lil' Buddy from Splatoon 3 had a humanoid form.


F told me that the sweets sold at that subway station were great.


O called C her object.


I was two soldiers working together to take down a giant heart in the mouth of a whale that stood in an airport. There were multiple aliens inside the whale that wanted to stop us, but together we killed them and destroyed the heart, flooding the city in blood.


I was watching a movie called Tweak Leek, which was about a wrestling league that required its participants to wear cheap fursuits. The ring announcer had hands come out of his mouth whenever he laughed.

There was a golfer sexually harassing a woman in the locker room, and when he was caught he tapdanced away.


Instagram users had to pay 500$ to change their username.


A gruesome illness where people's organs turned against them, exploding the body. Some organs managed to live outside of the bodies, usually torturing people to death. Those who could survive this quickly regenerated their body, only to explode again.

I was a scientist studying the illness and found a cure that prevented the explosions but turned its sufferers into giant animals. I quit my job and on my way to the subway station wondered if I had my pass card with me. When I confirmed that I had, I realized I was dreaming.


Fire alarms all around me and my nails were painted in a color that kept changing.


A classmate of mine didn't know how to read or write and the teachers made every student try to teach him. Whoever could do so would win a chocolate bar.


I was in a fistfight, but used the Pokkén Tournament controls to move my body.


I was a group of anthropomorphic feline space explorers. I explored the galaxies in an attempt to gather resources for my dying home planet.

I landed on a verdant planet, exiting the spaceship and exploring its jungles. The planet looked handpainted rather than real, in the same art style as the Fear and Hunger games.


I was a dog on a hunt with my owner. I stepped on a makeshift grave for a baby whose head was blown out.


My family had only 45€ left to live.


Me and C were called out on Twitter for drawing questionable porn while on vacation in an underground mall with stairs leading down to a giant pool.


I was a neckbeard playing a video game that doesn't exist on Twitch, and there was a boss- a woman on the back of a bull- that was brutally difficult and told me to «escape» before I lost, zoned out and woke up in my bed. I figured the Twitch stream was a dream, to my surprise there were clips of me losing over and over on there.

Before I could stream again, the video game boss bust down my front door. I asked her why, and she told me I hadn't escaped properly.

I ran away from my house, dedicating months to bodybuilding. Next time I played the game, I was able to defeat the boss, violently ripping the woman apart and scaring off the bull. I was a giant focused on violence now, and ate all of those who were weaker than me.


I watched a Chris Chan video where she was doing a AMA. She was asked what she did to relax, to which her answer was fishing.

Me and C went fishing after watching the video, and had a nice time.